g0v Washington Uprising Hackathon
Ideas to change society + Code to bring information alive = A new paradigm for Taiwan's democracy!
We invite experts from every field to unite and contribute!


Understanding "G0V"

g0v is a community that pushes for information transparency. We endeavor to develop platforms and tools to promote citizens' participation in society. The name comes from inserting a "zero", which stands for information, into the gov, which stands for Government. The goal is to use open information and open source GOV collaboration to empower otherwise disconnected citizens to supervise their government. g0v community welcomes talented people from every field to submit proposals, to revise someone else's work in progress or finished project, or to analyze and interpret these kinds of open information. The motto of g0v community is: "Don't ask why 'nobody' is doing something; start by admitting you are that 'nobody'!" Thus, if you are unhappy with any public issues in Taiwan and feel that a change is in order, this is the best time for you to join g0v!

Come and take a look at what we have done.

Resources: Getting Started, Common Tools, Projects in development

Understanding "Hackathon"

Hackathon means "Hacker's Marathon" — an independent, participatory, intensive cooperative event. What usually happens is that within the prescribed period of one to two days, various proposals, group divisions, practical work, and outcome reports are added independently. Many proposals are discussed online before the event begins. On the actual day, the rapid integration of the practical activities means that preliminary results can be achieved in a short time. If you are unable to participate in the live group activities, you can still assist and collaborate using a variety of network tools. Decentralized organization emphasizes independent participation and energy and encourages everybody to identify problems, propose solutions, take part in discussions and share resources, putting practical achievement in lieu of passive compliments.



Dig in — Make a pre-event "Idea Pool" proposal, or watch someone else's proposal. (hackpad tutorial)

Pitch in — Come to the venue and give an "Idea Presentation", describe the problems you want to solve, your imagined solution program, and the types of skills you need.

Fill in — participants choose their most interested project and contribute to it! Between food and drinks over a 24 hour period, each team will have fun discussing solution plans, drafting written plans, researching information and writing programs

Networking — During the event, a time will be scheduled to facilitate exchanges between the teams. Before the event finishes, each team will also get to show off their semi-finished products, and then go home and continue to collaborate on the project remotely until it is completed!


11/22 (Sat) 9:00 am ─ 11/23 (Sun) 11:30 am (Overnight)

Accommodation and transport

Organizers will provide meals during the two-day event

Developers and designers will also be given a partial subsidy to cover the costs to travel to and from DC. Based on the fundraising situation, the subsidy is capped at $100-150. We are working hard to raise money to subsidize more partners who are willing to come and contribute.

For information about the accommodation on the 21st, please see here. On the 22nd, you will be at the venue enjoying the experience of hacking overnight with your comrades.

Registration fee $20

Used for subsidizing food expenditure


It is a mandatory requirement that you bring your own laptop. Bringing your own sleeping bags and toiletries is also recommended.


Three speakers will come and work up a brainstorm with everyone! Being here is definitely not about absorbing ideas passively. This is a stage on which you can flex your hand and brain muscles and contribute your expertise!

Wei Liulin

Former physician at the National Taiwan University Hospital
Physician at Saint Mary's Hospital Luodong
Founder of Watchout!

How the Internet has lowered the threshold to democracy

Chia-liang Kao

g0v co-founder

International open government and open information movement

Hsiao-wei Chiu

g0v co-founder

From Nobody to Everybody ─ The Evolution of g0v.tw Community's Culture


Affinity Lab

918-922 U St NW, Washington, DC 20001

(Metro Rail access from Reagan National Airport)